Intervju Spotify

Intervju Spotify - Mjukvara.seAndres Sehr är comunity manager på Spotify. Andres hade vänligheten att ta sig tid och berätta lite om Spotifys affärsmodell, framtid och musikindustrin. Andres är inte svensktalande och därmed är intervjun på engelska.
CR:The business model of spotify today has two legs. Advertising and paid subscription. Is this really enough? You probably have really high content cost? Are there other business models I am missing today? Do you forsee other models?
Andres Sehr:We think the business model we have is very viable.  Advertisers have been very receptive to Spotify because we can target users so much better than say regular radio ads. With proper targeting we can get a pretty good rate for our ads.  Our premium model has also been very successful and we expect more and more people will opt for that version.
CR:Open API:s. Will you ever open up your platform so you can build products and services on top you’re your content, mashups? Ist this a problem for the record labels since this is  bit of losing control of the content?
Andres Sehr:Opening up Spotify with an API is definitely a goal of ours, we don’t want to build a new social network but we want to allow others to build cool new features for Spotify.  If done in a controlled way I don’t think the labels have anything to worry about, this will simply open up their music to a larger audience.
CR:What is the most popular music on Spotify. What do people like most?
Andres Sehr:Popularity varies from country to country, some bands such as Coldplay regularly make the top 3 in each country but in places like Sweden someone like Lars Winnerbäck is highly popular.  You can view top ten albums, artists and songs in each country from within Spotify which is a neat little feature.
CR:Spotify is still somewhat a closed service, when will you open up so anyone can sign up for a no cost account?
Andres Sehr:We’ve already opened up in the UK and hopefully we can do the same in other countries later this year.  We want to ensure that the quality of the service isn’t affected which is why we’ve been slow to open up more.  In Sweden the demand has been so high that opening up right now could lead to quality issues so it’ll be a little while longer still.
CR:Spotify in about 12 months. What has happened?
Andres Sehr:I think you’ll see our catalogue grow much larger, we still have a large amount of licensed content which we haven’t added in yet, close to 10,000 tracks a day are being added at the moment.  We also hope to make Spotify a little more social and open and continue to work towards allowing people to listen to whatever they want, whereever and when ever.

”Spotify skriver vidare att vissa låtar kommer att försvinna helt, eftersom de har levererats till Spotify utan att artisten bakom låten gett sitt godkännande.”

Coments on this. Why is an artist not interrested in joining. What do they use as reason. Not enough money? No control?
Andres Sehr:Music licensing is a complex issue.  There is very little in terms of global rights so we’ve had to restrict some tracks to certain countries which meant that some music was lost in each area.
Hopefully we can work with our partners to reduce these barriers and allow everyone to listen to whatever they want.  Some artists control their catalogues much more closely than others, The Beatles for instance, are not available on any online service, you’d have to ask them why this is but we hope that they’ll change their mind one day and join with Spotify.
För mig är Spotify är en applikation som rullar flera timmar om dagen i min dator. Just nu är det Brandy som rullar hos mig(säger man så när allt är digitalt?) Spotify har verkligen påverkat min musikkonsumtion. Jag hoppas verkligen de släpper den fri snart så alla läsare kan njuta av denna. Men om ni tjatar i kommentarstråden kanske ni kan övertyga Andres att köra en utlottning av invites. Den förra jag hade får fortfarande personer som anmäler sig för en invite
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